Keith coped with severe health problems caused by pneumothorax, or deflated lung, since he was a teenager. Over time his lungs develop small holes that reduce their power to bring in and push out air while breathing. Over the years Keith tried a variety of complementary procedures such as acupuncture and herbal remedies looking for help.
He had been well for three or four years when last summer both lungs collapsed suddenly. His consultant suggested surgery as a routine solution for this problem but Keith’s immediate reaction was “It sounded hideous.”
Fortunately while he was considering having the operation, he bumped into a friend with long-term heart problems who suggested Keith try working with his Buteyko Practitioner, Martha Roe.
Keith decided to try the Buteyko Breathing Exercises with Martha, supported by Christopher Drake, Martha’s Senior Practitioner. Christopher would phone Keith and talk him through the exercises when he needed encouragement. Keith’s lungs are now working well again. Christopher has even suggested that the lungs repair their tissue and become more elastic through continuing with the Breathing Method.
Keith definitely feels looser in his chest and has less tension in his back as well. Mentally he is feeling more on the level too. “I actually feel good. My brain is noticing more now I have advanced tools to play with” he says.
Thinking back on it, Keith remembers that going to the talk and hearing all the good things Buteyko could do he was not convinced at the time but now he can actually say it really works for him.
Keith has an appointment booked with his original consultant and will be telling him that after doing the Buteyko Breathing Exercises for a year he feels more expansive in his breathing and considers himself well. “It is an empowering experience.”