How much does it cost to learn the method?
This varies from country to country ( UK, Europe and US, – 425.00 GBP for a basic workshop – average 1600 GBP for private in-house training ) but will also depend on the complexity of the patient’s condition. Online training is significantly lower. Some conditions can be solved within 8 sessions of coaching and others require a great deal more. Family/group discounts are negotiable as are private consultations and workshops. A conversation with the practitioner can provide an accurate idea of costs . See Diseases treated & costs
Is there any equipment needed?
No. The technique involves practice of some exercises together with an understanding of the principles behind the method and a change in consciousness of breathing in relation to everyday activities. Some recommendations are made concerning habits of posture, sleep, eating and exercise.
Is there any medicine involved?
No. However, patients using prescribed preventative medication are strongly advised to continue using it until such time as the practitioner may suggest that it be reduced in consultation with the patient’s doctor. Use of relief medications is usually discouraged unless the Buteyko method practices fails to provide relief.
Can it be dangerous?
No – as long as the individual instructions of the practitioner are carefully adhered to. For people with certain conditions, incorrect practise of the method could be dangerous, so it is essential to learn the method with the supervision of a qualified and experienced practitioner.
How long does it take to recondition the breathing?
This depends on many factors such as the age and health of the participant, as well as their degree of practice and their willingness to be aware of their breathing. Most people experience improvements within the first few days of the workshop – eg. reduced symptoms, improved sleep, reduced mucus, improved digestion, better energy levels – and usually reduction of the need for relief medication. More profound systemic improvements occur over time.
How much practice is required?
Again, this depends on the individual. Initially, adults are encouraged to practise a 30 minute routine on rising and before sleep as well as another time during the day if possible. This can usually be reduced over time. Children usually require less practice – 20 minutes several times a day is usually sufficient – and also reducible over time. The method is really more about consciousness than actual practice of exercises – except for kids whose breathing and habits change more easily.
Is it beneficial for everyone?
Most people who live a modern lifestyle are overbreathing. However, not all have symptoms or illnesses which would indicate this. But everyone would benefit from a more efficient breathing pattern. Most participants have symptoms which they want to reduce, but some learn the method as a tool for general health – to strengthen immune and hormone function or to improve or refine sports or exercise performance – and, of course to have a healthier old age.
Where is it available?
For many years it was available only in Russia. However, it is becoming more available around the world now. The experience of the practitioner can make a difference in learning the method – especially with conditions other than asthma, so finding a well trained and experienced practitioner is important. Most practitioners in the West are not medical doctors.
What is the age range for learning the method?
Some children as young as 3 or 4 can learn the method – but parents need to be present for such training. For infants, either or both of the parents learn the method for themselves and are given specific advice regarding their young children. Even people of up to 90 y.o. can get value from learning the method. Older people may need to practise more – but they usually have more time.